
The Psychopomp - Part III
Holding the Children of Dark Wisdom

Taylor Hall - Dekoven Center - Racine, WI

January 27, 28, 2024

You must have completed Psychopomp Part I & II, to register.

Pricing Structure:

Class Fee is $300.00 includes all materials, meals and accommodations.

Rooms are double occupancy only. We will assign you a roommate if you come alone. Bathrooms are shared.

Reservations are accepted on a first come first served basis

There are no refunds.
On-line registrations require payment via PayPal. 
Payee is, or use the PayPal button that is displayed after registration form has been sent. You may also pay directly by Venmo: earthtraditions-08 (Last 4 digits of phone are 5443)

Please note that registrations cannot be processed until payment is received.