Our Ministers
Angie Buchanan
Drake Spaeth
Paula "Thistle" Herrmann
Make it Personal
Ministry Training
So You Want to Be a Minister?
Earth Traditions: A Training Program for Pagan Clergy
Thank you for your interest in the Earth Traditions Ministry Training Program. This is not a Seminary, a program of magical instruction, or necessarily an ordination track. This is a practical certificated training program designed to provide Pagans who wish to be Ministers, (servants of the community) an array of tools and resources to inform and protect both the individual and the communities they serve.
The purpose of this training program is to cultivate skills and abilities essential in meeting the multi- faceted responsibilities of ministering to the community and representing our communities to the public. The title of minister bears a burden of responsibility; responsibilities that are, in fact, inseparable from the credentials.
The credentialing process fosters an awareness of the responsibilities of being a minister, develops competence, inspires confidence, and enhances our ability to be recognized as peers functioning within the same contexts as clergy in other faith traditions. Moreover; having a streamlined, practical credentialing process creates a professional and social support network for colleagues to use as a resource for sharing ideas and information, problem solving and self-care.
It is our hope that those who are already claiming ministerial credentials or working toward them with other groups, as well as those who aspire to be ordained through Earth Traditions, will find this training program to be vital to their personal growth and professional leadership.