Articles & Interviews
October 27, 2020
Death as a Rite of Passage - An Interview With Rev Angie Buchanan
Moderators Angie Buchanan of Earth Tradition and Deirdre Arthen of EarthSpirit
Parliament of the World’s Religions
Priestess Panel Parliament of the World’s Religions, Toronto Canada, November 2018
The Guibord Center
Rev. Angie Buchanan, speaking for The Guibord Center at St. John Cathedral in Los Angeles, California - February 2018
Pagans at Parliament Melbourne, Australia - 2009
Drake and Angie were featured in this 2009 article published on the EarthSpirit Voices site.
"Angie spoke of the reasons why it is so important to do this work and to go to workshops and rituals other than our own. "
EarthSpirit Voices is the online journal of the EarthSpirit Community, a non-profit organization based in Massachusetts that provides services to a nationwide network of Pagans and others following an Earth-centered spiritual path.
Angie Buchanan named Pagan Spiritual Advisor at University of Chicago
This article, from the Parliament of World Religions Web site, considers the appointment in the context of expanded presence of interfaith organizing on college campuses.
“I believe that as a culture we are recognizing the need for a diverse set of spiritual advisors in multiple environments, and we are beginning to embrace a positive attitude regarding the diversity of religious traditions co-existing in society.”
The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions was created to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world.
Archetypes for Pagans/Need for Pagan Ministry Training
Drake Spaeth and Angie Buchanan
Dr. Drake Spaeth, and Rev. Angie Buchanan appeared on the Voices of the Sacred Feminine Internet radio show.
Drake Spaeth discusses Jung's Red Book and the Impact of Archetype in Pagan Spirituality.
Angie Buchanan, Founder and Director of Earth Traditions and Gaia's Womb discusses the Critical Need for Pagan Ministry Training - including ethics, codes of conduct, and the differences between a priest/priestess and minister.
You can listen or download a copy of the recording on
Drake Spaeth
Drake's Blog at Saybrook University - The New Existentialists
Drake regularly publishes articles of a spiritual and scientific nature on Saybrook University's New Existentialists blog.
As I write these words, I suddenly realize with joy that my “knack”—my body’s blissful reaction to “rightness”—is in fact its natural and organic response to being in the presence of Beauty.
Read this and many other articles at Drake's author category on the blog.