Know Thyself - An Intensive Weekend of Self-Discovery
November 19, 20, 2022
Consulting the Oracle of Delphi - John William Waterhouse (c. 1884)
Know Thyself - An Intensive Weekend of Self Discovery
Novembern 19-20th, 2022
”Know Thyself.” This famous maxim is attributed to any number of ancient Greek philosophers. However, it was originally the admonition “Gnothi se auton” inscribed above the doorframe of the temple of the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.
Taking the admonition of the Oracle to heart, through the secret languages of divination and astrology we begin a 2-day course of study in the vast mystery that is us; a lesson that must be mastered before we can hope to progress with our spiritual maturation.
Through tools such as enneagrams, magical personality assessments, tarot, the identification of the energy of home space, astrology, and a variety of other means, we will delve into the depths of ourselves for enlightenment and understanding.
Join us as we undertake this task of mapping ourselves and gaining a unique insight, awareness and appreciation of the wild running spirits that influence us and make us whole.
This event is an intensive. An intensive is built on trust. Our entire time together will be conducted in deep reflective space. If you are not comfortable with personal interaction, deep speaking, or trance work, or if you have specific, restricted dietary requirements, this is probably not the weekend for you and we gently encourage you consider one of our other events.
Space is very limited so please place your reservations early.
Rooms are semi private. Towels and linens will be provided however, you may bring your own, for comfort. Also plan to bring items that reflect who you see yourself to be, with which to decorate and transform your rooms. More details and a list of items to bring as well as directions to the site will be provided to those registering.
The cost will be $300.00 per person. Please use PayPal button below or make your check out to Earth Traditions and send to: Earth Traditions PO Box 510562, New Berlin, WI 53151. We also accept Venmo. Please be sure to note that your payment s for Know Thyself. Venmo address: EarthTraditions-08
We look forward to seeing you there.
11:30 pm Arrivals - settle in
12:30pm Orientation, and Introductions: Why are we here?
1:30pm Creating the Space
2:00pm Doing the work
4:45pm Discussion/Processing
5:30pm Dinner & Free TIme
7:00pm Journey
8:45pm Journal and Dyad Discussions
10:00pm Introduction of Dream Incubation
8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Dream Sharing
10:45am Break
11:00am Art & Share
1:30pm Wrap-up/Discussion
2:30pm Adjourn
Cost is $300.00 per person, includes meals and accommodations. (vegetarian and non- vegetarian) Refrigerator and microwave are available, for those with other dietary restrictions who may need to bring their own food. We regret that we cannot make a price adjustment for this. Also, you will be assigned a roommate unless you specifically request to share a room with another registered guest.
Space is limited to 12 students.
Rooms are double occupancy only. Bathrooms are shared.
(You will be assigned a roommate unless you specifically request to share a room with another registered guest.)
Registration is not guaranteed until your registration form and payment has been received.
Register early!!!
$300.00 includes all meals and over night accommodations. Sleeping rooms, and bathrooms are shared.
You will be assigned a roommate unless you specifically request to share a room with another registered guest.
There are no refunds.