Earth Traditions - Summer Solstice
June 21, 2014 12 noon - Sundown 920 N. 4th Street, Watertown, WI
A sacred path beckons you...
The veil thins at Mid-Summers Eve. The trees whisper, and the path beckons. Mystery awaits in the magic of the moment. Come! Join us!
We'll be gathering on the westward shore of the beautiful Rock River with our gracious hosts, Julie & Peter Watts, to celebrate!
We begin at high noon, for workshops, ritual, and fire, to honor the height of Summer, on this Summer Solstice - the longest day. We'll end with drumming and dancing at sunset in the breathtaking work of artistry that is the Watts' back yard.
Please bring a drum or rhythm instrument, a potluck meal to feed all in your party with a little extra for a friend. If you would like to bring a dessert or a bag of chips in addition to your main meal contribution, please feel free to do so. A grill will be set up should you desire burgers or other picnic fare.
Also, please bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, and bug spray.
Watch this space! There may be more details to come!